Monday, September 30, 2019
Cross Cultural Communication Essay
A country that was annexed by another country is sure to have exchanged or been impacted culturally and in many other aspects. An excellent example of this could be the British India. India was ruled over by Britishers for almost 350 years. Therefore, many traits and systems in India today are derived from the time they were under the British rule. One of the most vivid illustrations of this is the schooling system and English as a medium language for teaching and learning. The number of English speakers in India is more than 125 million people (â€Å"Indiaspeaks,†2010). Analyzing from the graph of Hofstede’s cross cultural dimensions of India and England, it is clear that both countries rank closely in two dimensions which are Masculinity and Uncertainty Avoidance. In terms of masculinity, both countries especially India, rank very closely to the neutral point. India scored 56 and United Kingdom scored 66. Even though India scored very close to the mid range, it actually is a very masculine country specially in terms of displaying success and power (â€Å"India,†n.d.). However, India is also a country with ancient spiritual history which involves richness of culture and traditions that were shaped by its main religion i.e., Hinduism. This often reigns in people from indulging in Masculine displays to the extent that they might be inclined to (â€Å"India,†n.d.). As for Britain, it is considered a masculine culture. Nevertheless, there is confusion among foreigners as to how can English people value modesty and understatement and at the same time be highly success driven (â€Å"United Kingdom,†n.d.). India scored 40 on Uncertainty Avoidance which means that the country has a medium low preference for avoiding uncertainty. It is due to the perception that nothing has to be perfect nor has to go exactly as planned. Indians have very high tolerance for the unexpected and is welcomed as a break from monotony (â€Å"India,†n.d.). They believe in the notion of adjustment and adaptation. Each situation or problem they face will be handled and taken care of differently. Their behaviors are usually influenced by circumstances. In this dimension the UK scored 35 which indicates that England has a low preference for avoiding uncertainty. According to Geert Hofstede, they are happy to â€Å"make it up as they go along†changing plan as new information comes to light. On the other hand, both countries do have interesting differences in their scores of Power Distance and Individuality. Power Distance is one main dimension where both countries have largest difference which is 42. Indian scored 77 whereas the UK scored only 35. India is strictly a large power distant society where hierarchy is appreciated and accepted. In this kind of society, inequality and centralization of power prevail. Privileges and status symbols are popular. People with no power or younger are not allowed to have a voice. Parents teach children obedience and children ought to treat parents with respect (â€Å"Hofstede,†n.d.) . Teachers are considered as gurus as well. An illustration of this can be seen from the ancient history of India where Gurus taught everything, right from academic to wisdom, to children and groomed them to be good human beings. In terms of business, subordinates are usually not consulted during decision-making. However, they expect to be told what to do. An ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat or good father (â€Å"Hofstede,†n.d.). The UK is a small power distance society. It is interesting to see Britain among one of the small power distance societies as Britain has a rich culture and heritage as well as the monarchy system where there are princes and princesses in the society. In small power distance like Britain, inequalities are minimized. Parents and children treat one another as equals. Teachers are experts who transfer academic knowledge and not life virtues. An ideal boss is a resourceful democrat who consults his subordinates while making any decision. Another dimension where both countries differ greatly in terms of their scores is Individuality. It is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. It has to do with whether people’s self-image is defined as I or We (Hofstede, n.d.). India scored 48, therefore, it is a collectivistic society whereas Britain scored 89 which makes it a clear individualistic society. In collectivistic society, there is a high preference for belonging where individuals are expected to act in accordance with what other members of the group expect one to do. Behaviors and actions of people in this society are highly influenced by opinions of their family, relatives and members of their social network group. In contrast, in individualistic society, people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only (Hofstede, n.d.). British are highly private people, children are taught to think for themselves and make their own goals in life. The path to happiness is believed to be through personal fulfillment. Another interesting aspect of culture was looked into by Deborah Tannen who wrote a book called â€Å"Languages and Linguistics†where he explained a deep connection between culture and languages and how both are interrelated. One aspect that Tannen stated in his book is about Crosscultural Miscommunication which is about rising and falling intonation. For English, rising intonation means questioning and falling intonation reveals inconsiderateness and indifference which are rude and impolite. Problem arises when business deal or agreement is to take place because this is the most crucial time when contracts are to be signed and both parties definitely do not wish for anything to go wrong. However, just a drop of sound can change almost the whole scenario. It shows that speakers of different cultural backgrounds develop systematically different conventions for using and interpreting linguistic features (Tannen, 2005). Hence, it is very important for everybody, especially those who work in the service field to recognize this difference and work towards improving it. The last important aspect from Tannen’s theory is High involvement and High considerateness. Since Indian society is a highly collectivistic society, it is a high involvement society as well. People in the same area will consider their neighbors as their family members. This stands true at the time of crisis; people would gather and ask with concern about the story and offer suggestions and aid that they could provide. However, Britain is a private society where people are individualistic. They do not like to impose on other people’s business unless they are related or close to the person. Imposition can be taken as ill-mannered or rude in some circumstances. In conclusion, India and British are two completely different cultures that couldn’t have had anything in common if British hadn’t ruled India. Both countries adopted and shared some of the good values and characteristics with each other contributing to the development of quality of life and relationship between both to prosper. Without Hofstede’s dimensions and Tannen’s theories, cross cultural communication would still be difficult and this would hinder growth of business, tourism and cultural sectors of each and every country. Reference Hofstede, G. (n.d.). Dimensions. In Geert Hofstede. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from Hofstede, G. (n.d.). What about India. In Geert Hofstede. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from Hofstede, G. (n.d.). What about the UK? In Geert Hofstede. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from Indiaspeak: English is our 2nd language [TNN]. (2010, March 14). In The Times of India. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from The Times of India website: (n.d.). HOFSTEDE: Cultures And Organizations – Software of the Mind [Web log post]. Retrieved from Tannen, D. (2005). Interactional Sociolinguistics as a resource for Intercultural Pragmatics. In Intercultural Pragnlatics (Vols. 2-2, pp. 205-208). Walter de Gruyter. Tannen, D. (2006). Language and culture. An Introduction to Language and Linguistics, 345-347. View as multi-pages
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Stroop Effect
Stroop Effect CogLab Report Stroop Effect CogLab Report The Stroop effect is a test that demonstrates a decrease in reaction time that occurs when the brain receives conflicting information. When sensory information conflicts, a processing delay occurs in the brain; this is interference. If a specific color is paired with its corresponding word then those two pieces of information are compatible. If the information conflicts then the individual is forced to make a decision.It is hypothesized that reaction times will be lower when the word and font color are the same and reaction times will increase when the word and font color are different. Method Participants A total of 20 undergraduate students participated in this experiment; 18 were women and 2 were men. Materials Students used CogLab, an online laboratory used as part of a cognitive psychology class, to complete the Stroop Effect task. Procedure Participants were asked to identify the color of each word as quickly as possible.T he reaction times were measured and analyzed to compare the difference between words and colors that match and words and colors that mismatch. Results A paired-samples t-test was used to analyze the data. When font color mismatched, participants had significantly longer reaction times (M = 881. 74, SD = 200. 90) than when font color matched (M = 774. 37, SD = 230. 23), t(19) = 4. 62, p < . 001. Discussion The results supported the initial hypothesis; in mismatched conditions reaction time increased.The Stroop effect is a selective attention task; it shows us about how our brains process information. When presented with conflicting stimuli, participants had to react to both sets and make a decision. Reading is an automatic process. The presence of the mismatched colors interfered with participants’ ability to react and properly identify the correct word. The Stroop effect shows us that automatic processes like reading, more strongly impact attention.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Pre cal questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pre cal questions - Coursework Example Egypt’s pyramids were tall, lightly tapered four-sided architectural buildings that demonstrated the style of that period. Aesthetic was valued as a reflection of national political stability, thus one unified Egyptian state flourished during that time. With these angles, stability was achieved that has made it possible for the pyramids to remain strong up-to date. Additionally, the pyramid apex is not perpendicular, to the base as it is aligned to the true north while the slanting heights form a golden ratio (Æ) (Stewart, Redline, & Watson, 2015, p. 849). According to history, angle 520 is historically considered as pleasing and its correlation to the golden ratio makes the Egyptian Pyramids buildings among the many buildings designed using it. Despite hypothesis that the golden ratio is part of numerous natural instances like proportions in the human body, a conclusive prove has not been arrived at. Nonetheless, the Golden Ratio’s aesthetic aspect appears in numerous architecture that still stands the test of time like the Greece Parthenon. The use of 440 is considered as structural standpoint. I would use a unit circle since for higher level mathematics, unit circle approach would be more sensible especially in memorizing of basic trigonometric ratios like pi/4 (Stewart, Redline, & Watson, 2015)Additionally, besides allowing one to learn trigonometry functions of special angles, it facilitates understanding them (300, 450, 600, and 900) and corresponding angles such as 1350, 1200, and 1500. The implication is that students manage to visualize the constitution of trigonometry functions and obtain precise values for some ratios instead of having to memorize
Why is Smith's work on the division of labour still of interest after Assignment
Why is Smith's work on the division of labour still of interest after almost 250 years - Assignment Example The notion of division of labour is associated with the cooperative structure of supplying labour services to perform that task. Division of labour has been applied by producers of all goods and services and after the introduction of industrialisation this concept has been widely used by these producers (Brown and Rose, 2010, p.34). This research attempts to describe the notion of division of labour which was marked by Adam Smith and also describes the reasons of application of Smith’s idea of division of labour in the modern times. An effort is made to critically analyze the reasons behind importance of the concept of division of labour even after 250 years of its introduction in economic theories. Smith’s notion of Division of Labour: Adam Smith has argued that in the face of industrialisation and growing demand for various goods and services, it is most necessary for producers to apply the notion of division of labour into the production processes. The application of division of labour into production processes will not only increase the amount of output produced, but also will increase the quality of produced output. Adam Smith has opined in his book, The Wealth of Nations, that applying division of labour helps the producer by splitting up the entire production process in smaller divisions and by applying labour service to each division of the complete production process (Smith, 1776, pp.10-12). According to Adam Smith, using division of labour in the production process will also help labourers to efficiently perform a single tack and to achieve the level of expertise in the production of the part of the entire production process which is assigned to one labourer at a time. These developments in the process of production of the good help labourers to increase the volume of production and also help to augment the quality of production of that good. Adam Smith has also argued that the difference between a steel doorkeeper and a philosopher is a consequence of division of labour. A steel doorkeeper can apply the concept of division of labour by engaging others (mainly his family members) and increase the productivity, as well the quality of production of the service. A philosopher cannot divide his thinking process with the help of the notion of division of labour (Smith, 1776, pp.12-17). Adam Smith has opined that the introduction of division of labour in the production processes will help labourers to match their skills with the equipments available to them for producing different goods and services. He himself gave an example of pin production. In the production of a pin, one person produces the head and another person produces the body. Both these labourers are using the best (most efficient) available and different types of technology to produce either the head or the body of the pin. In this way the total volume of production can be increased along with the quality of production. However, Adam Smith also criticised t he application of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Definition of litreatures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Definition of litreatures - Research Paper Example However, this also comes with a price. Since the research is entirely based on questionnaires or vignettes scenarios which are a modified form of introspection itself except the fact that it’s quantifiable and less reliant on biases. Therefore, what is required is a strong background research on literature and a systematic approach towards research. How will that help make it more empirical? First, as literature includes past researches and theories on the same topic, it is easier to filter out irrelevant details and detect a platform to analyze the given data. It also provides a head start for the research in a way that it shows things already has been done in the field so that the new research is not redundant. In addition, it shows what could not be achieved in the field so that the new research is not too ambitious and it shows how to go about a research in the field so that the new research does not end up at a dead-end. Thus, a systematic approach towards the research an d an extensive literature review is a key to an authentic and successful research. This paper will dive into the depth of these processes and explore how they benefit the researcher and the project. Systematic Search The first step in a good scientific research is a systematic searching. By systematic searching, it is meant that a particular scheme is followed while searching. To start with a systematic research, the first step is to formulate a clear question which includes all critical aspects of the topic like what, why, who, how, where, when, which, where etc. This is important because once the question is formulated, one is aware of what one is looking for and the research is less prone to divert into irrelevant directions. Once one knows what one is looking for, the next step is splitting the question into independent parts what this means is to separate the relation aspect from the individuality of the topics and study them independently in their own context and then in relat ion to each other. The third step is to find a suitable database to take material from. By specifying the discipline to the system, one can access to a large amount of information on any given topic. Next step is to find the search items. Many features of the item like synonyms, plural forms, and different spellings should be attended to in this section. Once, the search takes place, it is important to pay attention to results. If the results are not many, it is better to search with different terms. If there are a lot of them, it is advisable to use more narrowed terms (Laake, 14, 2007) Systematic Review Once the systematic research is being carried out, the next important step is to review the information systematically. A systematic review comprises of several steps: first, it identifies all relevant evidences for the topic. It gathers a pool of information through systematic searching which was explained above. Next, it selects studies, which are to be included and discards the rest. This narrows down the information and brings out the most important points to be included. Third, it identifies the relevant evidence in the reports, which are selected to be included. Since only particular proofs are required from these extensive studies, this step is of crucial importance. Often, the relevant researches have just one or two important points substantiated with adequate results. It is very important to scan those out and leave the rest as they are of little importance for the research project. At the same
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
International Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International Operations Management - Essay Example In the process different business strategies are also learnt and shared by the companies (Plenert, 2002, pp.35-38). The present study focuses on the international operations management and the related theories and considering the Unilever Company and studying the motivation, benefits, process and form of internationalization. Internationalization: Its Motivation, Benefit, Process and Form: The primary motive of a company trying to be global or become internationalized is to earn competitive advantage over other companies playing in the same industry but in other countries, with the help of the advancements in their knowledge and expertise. Motivations can be proactive or reactive that leads a company towards internationalization. Proactive motivations generally result from the company’s intentions to gain competitive advantage over others. A reactive motivation arises when a company plans to internationalize on requirement in a particular economic status of the country or the business. In many cases, expansion of a business to other countries proves to be beneficial in handling the pressures of competition from other companies. The several benefits that underlie the process of internationalization include the company’s being able to spread across the world thus reaching out to greater number of customer and shareholders. Moreover, the company gets to learn the new technologies and processes prevailing or used in the other countries and businesses (United Nations, 2009, p.9). Thus it can be understood that some companies follow the process for the enhanced results for their businesses, while others indulge in expansion as a result of the need for the company. Now in order to process the internationalization of a business, proper method needs to be followed such that the company does not experience a failure. This requires management committees to get involved and decide efficiently on the utilization of resources available to the company. The inves tment requiring finances is an essential factor that needs sufficient decision making. Also, since internationalization would involve expanding the businesses to other countries, several difficulties or problems might arise that the company should be able to encounter and handle effectively (United Nations, 2009, p.10). As far as the process and form of internationalization is concerned, the process would depend on the motivation of the company, its internal and external handling of operations, its similarity with the foreign market, the locations where the company already has its operations, as well as the mode that the company follows in performing its functions (United Nations, 2009, p.11). Considering these motivations, benefits, processes and forms of internationalization of a company can be understood. In the following section, the study would focus on the Unilever Company and its internationalization and try to associate the company’s state with the theories of interna tionalization. Unilever Company and its Internationalization: The Unilever Company is an extremely popular company and has its presence felt internationally. The company has always
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
College application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
College application - Essay Example Indeed there are many good schools competing with each other for a student’s education and training but an enrollee has to consider also that he himself has competitors in the business so that it becomes crucial to him to consider the school he must enroll in. The internet opens one’s knowledge of the different schools and poses a greater challenge for the choosing of a good school because every school claims to be the best. However, such a problem can be made easy to solve by defining a person’s abilities, capabilities, limitations and expectations. Personally, I have aimed to be in a school whose quality education is well known and has been tested through the years. Considering a well established school which has been in the business long enough to show its assets, strengthened by the testimonies of her graduates has been on the top of my list of criteria in looking for the school I will enroll in. Jain’s Choosing the Best Hotel Management School: The 10 Basics ( helped me a lot in defining important criteria which one should verify when looking for the school that would best fit one’s expectations and has proved to have made considering options easier. Jain suggests students to verify information regarding official bodies that recognize the school, courses offered and levels in addition to what has been mentioned earlier about testimonies.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Mergers and acquisitions as a response to the deregulation of the Essay
Mergers and acquisitions as a response to the deregulation of the electric power industry - Essay Example Mergers and acquisitions are such modes of growth. Mergers occur when two firms of equal standing concur to combine their operations under one shareholder group; acquisition is when one firm outrightly purchases another and becomes its majority shareholder. As to whether they combine operations or not and the manner they choose to do so are a matter of strategic determination, but it does not detract from the fact of the merger or acquisition as a matter of ownership (Daniel & Metcalf, 2001, p. 216). This report examines the fundamental theories behind mergers and acquisitions and gives a cursory examine of one such undertaking. Motives for firms to enter into mergers or acquisitions: (1) To improve efficiencies by reducing production costs, increasing output, improving product quality, obtaining new technologies, or providing entirely new products. A merger or acquisition may explore both operating and managerial efficiencies. Operating efficiencies come from economies of scale, production and/or consumption economies of scope, enhanced resource allocation, shift to a less costly technology or asset configuration, or acquisition of better skills, use of grand name capital, and so forth (Pautler, 2003, p.122). (2) To explore financial and tax benefits by diversifying the firms’ earnings with dissimilar earnings streams to lessen earnings variation. Depending upon regulations, tax benefits may be realized, as in situations where the law allows offsetting the acquiring firm’s taxable income with the acquired firm’s net operating losses to reduce future taxes (Pautler, 2003, p. 122) (3) To increase market power to the advantage of the merging fir ms. Where the merging firms each command a significantly sizeable part of the market, then their merger may well trigger a spate of other mergers by the competing firms, which result in virtual monopolies or oligopolies. These so-called â€Å"merger waves†were evident in three periods: the successive mergers in the 1887-1904 wave which were viewed by George Stigler as â€Å"mergers for monopoly,†the 1916-1929 wave he called â€Å"mergers for oligopoly,†and the 1968-1974 wave which Matsusaka termed the â€Å"conglomerate merger wave†(Stigler, 1950, and Matsusaka, 1993, both cited in Pautler, 2003, p. 125). After the passage of the antimerger legislation in the U.S. in 1950, preventing the merger of competitors with significant market shares, such mergers were allowed only after review and approval by U.S. antitrust and other regulatory agencies. In the UK, a similar merger wave was seen between 1948 and 1961, when 735 public companies were taken over b y other public companies, with two to three hundred other unsuccessful bids during the period, which Kuehn (1969) attributed to the effect of the valuation ratio as a constraint on the managerial utility function (p. 133). (4) Because of management greed, self-aggrandizement or hubris. A study conducted by Morck, Shleifer & Vishny (1990) showed that managerial incentives may account for merger activity that eventually erode the firm’s long-term value. Badly considered mergers may result in over-diversification, an ill-considered pursuit of growth, or merely bad acquisition decision. Oftentimes, the poor quality of the decision is not evident at the time it was made, and only becomes apparent afterwards. Matsusaka found that in the conglomerate merge
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Cultural Assimilation Essay Example for Free
Cultural Assimilation Essay With globalization and people’s living quality advancing dramatically, every year, American universities welcome tens of thousands of international students from all over the world. The land of freedom and justice has opened its doors to those who seek new options and better opportunities and sometimes it asks for certain changes and adjustments fir those who come to study aboard. When these international students pursues higher education in US, fulfilling their life experience and learning something new from American culture, they too bring with them elements of international experience to an American university. Taking up a considerable portion of student population in the university, international students face difficulties to assimilate with local students, particularly in terms of linguistic and cultural differences. International student struggles to become one with the world around him. Some popular cultural studies experts believed it is best for students from all over the world who come to the United States and lose their cultural identity and â€Å"melt†into or assimilate into the American culture. Assimilation occurs in many different ways in our universities, and it is unfortunately, a part of life that we all international students have to learn to accept, no matter the consequences. According to various critics, the process of assimilation occurs in two distinct forms: Language and Culture. My paper will demonstrate the distinction between these two types of assimilation, arguing that language assimilation is necessary, but cultural assimilation can be problematic or damaging. I, being an international student feel that most important aspect of assimilation that an international student faces is language. In American society, learning to speak English properly is a crucial factor and is a form of assimilation. However, people who have decided to come to America to study have found it rather difficult to assimilate into American society for several reasons. International students are forced into an English – speaking classroom and expected to assimilate to the local language with very little help of the educators. The educators are not be blame, the demand for teachers is extremely high and the teachers we have fill the gaps, whether they share a language with their students or not. Linguistic assimilation is important for international students but they should keep in mind that they should not completely melt in other language, which results in eradication of their cultural language. This situation is perfectly portrayed by Salman Rushdie in his essay â€Å"‘Commonwealth Literature’ doesn’t exist†that discusses the conflicts in India over the English language. Salman Rushdie in his essay â€Å"‘Commonwealth Literature’ doesn’t exist†discusses the conflicts in India over the English language. Some in India see English as the language of British imperialism and believe that it shouldn’t be used. Others disagree because the language that is proposed to replace English in everyday use is Hindi, which has strong connections to religion, which are not universally accepted. Rushdie states that this ideological divide is mostly between the north and south of India. He sums up his position by saying, â€Å"†¦it is completely fallacious to suppose that that there is such a thing as a pure, unalloyed tradition from which to draw†(pp. 2541). Rushdie believes that language is an essential part of expr essing culture. He explains that, though Indian and British literature are written in English but they are distinct from one another and that just because they share a common language doesn’t diminish the value of the Indian culture. Rushdie acknowledges the growing importance of global trade and that English is well suited to serve as its communication medium. There is essential technical and scientific vocabulary that is used regularly in international exchanges that have no analog in local languages, such as Hindi. He believes that India needs to continue to embrace English, in order to remain competitive in the global community. Rushdie’s idea of embracing language that is common in the society perfectly exemplifies that international students should embrace a common language which is common in the university in order to stay in competition with home students and communicate their ideas. I have personally experience this situation in my university. So, in order to express thoughts, we (international students) will have to learn a common medium of communication. But learning a different mode of communication should not result into extinction of their cultural language. Rushdie tries to portray that international students should not completely evaporate into the new language and forget about their own mother tongue. We should assimilate into new language but should always respect their cultural language more then other Languages, as according to him â€Å"language is an essential part of expressing culture†. Linguistic assimilation as Rushdie shows often comes from coercion and force from outside, but can be necessary for simple survival. This argument is perfectly exemplified by Ngugi Wa Thiong’o in his essay â€Å"Decolonizing the mind†(1986) who tells us of when he was a grade school student in Kenya. The British declared marshal law over the country in the middle of the last century and in an attempt to curb the rebellion and insurgency, they decreed that English was to the sole language spoken. Suddenly Ngugi had to learn English and couldn’t speak the language of his people at school. These experiences shaped Ngugi opinions about the role that language fills. He is of the opinion that language serves two distinct purposes. One is for communication (Pg. 3). He gives the example of how the different cultures in eastern Africa use Swahili to communication with among each other but use their own language when communicating among their own kind. The other role it fills is that of a medium to express ones culture. Different culture tailors different language to convey and pass down its traditions (Pg. 4). Ngugi argument about Language serves two distinct purposes is true for International students as they use â€Å"English†language as a common medium of communication whereas use their â€Å"mother tongue†as a medium of expressing their culture. â€Å"What a common language does for one person, it does for all society†, this is perfectly illuminated in an article from international journal on Minority and group rights. According to article, â€Å"Effective participation in politics as well as the market economy requires t he development of common vernacular expressions, the free flow of information, and established codes of communication. All of these exchanges are enhanced when individuals speak the same language†. The critic of the article, Chih-Yu Shih says that if fixed proportion of population does not speak the common language, the reach of the state and the market will, in turn, shrink. This is both because communication from one language to another can translate into different meanings and because different language structures themselves reflect diverse perspectives proportion of the population cannot speak the national language, the reach of the state and the market will, in turn, shrink. This is both because communication from one language to another can translate into different meanings and because different language structures themselves reflect diverse perspectives of modernity. To learn a different language is to learn a different lifestyle., international students will have to learn different languages in order to be in reach of state. International Students studying and competing with the local will need to communicate with them, which is only possible if they have a common mode of language. So, in order to remain in touch with the local students and professor, students will have to learn language, which is common. After going through the essays of Rushdie’s, Ngugie and Chih-Yu Shih, we could say that language assimilation makes sense but authors like Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz and Richard Rodriguez says that cultural assimilation is also important. They think that cultural assimilation is very important part of linguistic assimilation as â€Å"Language express cultural†. According to them, one’s traditions such as cultural traditions also have an effect on the willingness and on the degree to which one assimilates. Few international students have found that certain customs like social behaviors which may surprise, offend or offend others; eating food which may seem heavy or bland compared have not been accepted in American culture and might even be condemned. A student who has different traditions than Americans may be frowned upon and may be discriminated against because of the difference. I had experienced this situation as I was discriminated in my folklore class by my follow student. After experiencing this, a question came in my mind that why on a practical level it’s useful to assimilate but on an ethical level, it’s questionable? Sacrificing one’s traditions is a problematic concept even if it means that someone could blend into mainstream culture. International students will have to stick to there own cultures and tradition while assimilating. But this is not the case every time! Some students while assimilating forget about his own cultures and traditions and easil y jolt into others cultures. Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz states a similar situation in her essay â€Å"Hispanics in America†. She reveals the social position of the Hispanics in American society. She says that instead of letting Hispanics follow their own culture and traditions, they are forced to follow the lifestyles of Americans. As only an â€Å"American way of life†existed, Hispanics had to follow the same path of that of the white folks, but also were rarely competing with the dominating white race. Though the Hispanics are the biggest minority group in American society today, their native language and other cultural aspects were scornfully ignored according to Isasi-Diaz, which made assimilation a difficult task for Hispanics. Similarly argument is state by Richard Rodriguez who discusses about culture in America. Rodriguez says, â€Å"I am in favor of assimilation. I am not in favor of assimilation. I recognize assimilation. By making these statements, Rodriguez is saying that he accepts what is happening in regards to culture in America. While he isnt completely for or against what is goin g on, and he isn’t even trying to change it, he is accepting it and working with it. While saying this he doesn’t mean that racial and ethnic distinctions do not matter anymore in America, he thinks that differences are becoming a part of everyday life and they are just so common now that it really isnt such a big deal†. In this essay, Rodriguez states, â€Å"I do think distinctions exist.†Throughout the rest of the essay, Rodriguez goes into great detail of how he understands distinctions exist and how it is changing America. So, this is evident from both the essay that international students will have to blend into America culture in order to compete with American folks in the universities. But blending should not mean that completely giving up their original culture. It means that assimilating into different culture with maintaining the same love for original culture. In conclusion, it is wise to note that both forms of assimilation is adopted by international assimilation in some or the other way. Few international students have over years adopted their â€Å"host†culture’s language, while maintaining their own traditions, customs and values. This common form of communication can also present more opportunities for cross-cultural understanding. International students get to learn many things if they can communicate in a common language. In terms of bilingual education: bilingual education provides the opportunity for a student to use the language that they have grown up with in school while learning another. This permits the student to retain and embrace their language and by extension the culture associated with it. As an old Czech proverb states, â€Å"learn a new language and get a new soul†.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Evidence-based Versus Outcome-focused Practice Essay Example for Free
Evidence-based Versus Outcome-focused Practice Essay In many professions like medicine, psychology, education and psychiatry, outcome-focused practice and evidence-based practice are frequently used among other approaches. Due to lack of evidence-based information, the knowledge that many practitioners have been using is the knowledge that has build up from experience and it has not been researched on, to prove the validity of the same. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the information is always wrong, the information may be right but the evidence of the same may be lacking. Psychology has been affected by this as well as other professionals. Consequently, this essay seeks to analyze both outcome-focused and evidence-based practice and explain how counselors can contribute to the development of evidence-based practice. In addition, it shall also explain some shortcomings of outcome-focused practice and client directed practice. Since evidence based practice is the practice that has been recommended by many associations, it would be of much importance to look at it more comprehensively. According to American Psychological Association (2005), evidence-based practice can refer to combination of the best research available with the clinical knowledge in the context of patient characteristics, culture and preferences. The same studies record that the Institute of Medicine defines the same as the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. In psychology, this is very important as it helps to promote effective psychological practice which eventually enhances public health by the application of empirically supported principles of psychological assessment, therapeutic relationship and intervention. To be in a position to understand comprehensively what is meant by evidence-based practice, it would be necessary to understand the different components of the same. There must be best research evidence which refers to a body of evidence on intervention strategies, assessment procedures and clinical problems among others, drawn from various research designs and methodologies attesting the effectiveness of psychological practices. The evidence should also be based on reasonable sizes, systematic reviews, statistical and clinical significance, and a body of supporting evidence. In order for the research to be valid, the same should be based on progression from clinical observation by systematic reviews from of random clinical trials while at the same time recognizing gaps and limitations in the literature which is already inexistence and its applicability to a specific case (American Psychological Association, 2002). Clinical expertise in psychology refers to all the competencies that promote and lead to positive therapeutic outcome which are inclusive but not limited to conducting assessments and coming up with diagnostic judgments, systematic case formulation, monitoring patient progress, among others. It is actually used to integrate best research evidence with clinical data which can refer to information about the patient and which is usually obtained in course of treatment by the counselor or psychologist. In psychology, treatment is most effective when the services address patient’s specific problems, personality, and socio cultural context. The therapeutic outcome largely depends on some of the patient’s characteristics like readiness to change, level of social support, functional status, chronological age, developmental history and religion. Environmental context like health care disparities, stressors like unemployment, personal preferences and values like world views and goals, are all very important and usually have much to do with the outcome of any psychological intervention. Although the main goal of evidence based practice is to maximize the choice of the patient among other alternative and effective interventions, clinical implications of the same are considered to a very great extent. Having discussed what is meant by evidence-based practice and its components, it would be necessary to discuss the role of a counselor in the development of the evidence based practice. The first role of the counselors should be to join efforts with other researchers and professionals so as to make sure that the all the research data available on psychological practice is both clinically relevant and internally valid. Therefore, they should join the rest in conducting psychological research in order to validate the already available information. The research should also address the widely used psychological principles due to the fact that though there is no evidence to support the same, this does not mean that they are all wrong. For a long time there have been barriers and challenges that face the use of research-based evidence. Since counselors are the people who face these challenges daily in the course of their practice, it would of great significance if they helped in identifying these challenges. After identifying the challenges, they should be addressed if any positive outcome should be expected. However, addressing these challenges may be a very complicated process for any counselor especially without the support of others in the same and in other related professions. Therefore, it if counselors can combine and form organizations that can address this issue much can be realized from the same. For instance, if the problem facing the research happens to be lack of funds, an organization can raise the same easily or even be in a better position to influence some funding organizations to provide funding for the same. The American Psychological Association has been in the front line in ensuring that psychologists deliver the best services to the patients. In order to enhance development of evidence-based practice, counselors should strive to see to it that the psychological principles they use while addressing the problems of the patient are supported by sound evidence. This can only be achieved if they are well informed. It is therefore important for all counselors to be updated on various research findings in their area of profession. This can be achieved through attending various workshops and seminars. It would be very vital for all counselors to disregard all other information that does not originate from the credible sources. Counselors are the key people who can make sure that evidence-based practice is in operational because they deal with the patients directly. On the other hand, outcome-focused practice is a different approach from evidence-based practice, although the goal may actually be the same. Outcome focused generally refers to any approach that is more aimed at attaining the outcome of any method used . It is an approach that also focuses on building an alliance with the client and getting of the feedback from the client. This approach is most of the times client directed and that is the reason as to why the key person in this approach is basically the client. The first step in this approach is to listen and identify what the client want. The psychologist then plans the intervention strategies in such a way that the goals of the client can be easily achieved. To achieve this, the practitioner keeps on getting feedback from the client concerning the whole process to determine whether the goals of the client are being addressed. The reason as to why it is mostly client directed is because it aims at attaining the goals set by the client and the method of doing the same is by using strategies which are also designed by the client (Abraham Michie 2004). Client driven and outcome focused practice is more often than not very successful although this does not mean that it is the best form of practice. Research has shown that it enhances the outcome of those cases that face the risk of the poor outcome more so because the client’s contribution is encouraged. Moreover, it reduces the drop out rates since the client is unlikely to drop, out of the strategy that has been devised to favor him. This practice is widely used especially while dealing with mental health patients as well as other emotional disturbances. Failure to use such a practice while dealing with such sensitive issues can easily interfere with the outcome. However, although outcome focused and client directed practice are widely used especially in psychology, the same has got some shortcomings. Some scholars have urgued that in outcome-focused practice, sometimes the outcome becomes the opposite of what is already expected. This is due to the fact that most of the times the practitioner lays a lot of emphasis on the outcome and forgets all about the process. The process is very important since the outcome largely depends on the process that has been used. For instance, while counseling a bereaved person, the process of doing that is very important as it dictates the outcome of the same. Failure to use the right process may not only interfere with the outcome but it can also easily worsen the condition of the patient or the client. Despite the fact that client directed practice reduces the drop out rates in any intervention procedure as highlighted earlier, there are still some shortcomings of the same. In client directed practice, the use of research based-evidence is sometimes compromised. This is because in this practice, the client is allowed to come up with goals and the means of achieving those goals. The truth is that the counselor may not get the opportunity of using the already available knowledge in solving the problem. Since the client is not actually a professional of the same the required outcome may be achieved but without the use of the best practice method. The counselor also strains a lot while trying to devise ways and means that will best address the client’s problem in a manner that will favor the client (Abraham Michie 2004). In psychology the mode of practice is very important because it does not only affect the outcome, but the future of the subject as well. Since psychology is a science, all strategies and the methods of practice should be adequately researched on before they are applied in solving human problems. This is the main reason that makes a lot of organizations and associations to propose the use of evidence-based practice. This allows the use of strategies that have been verified by use of sound research procedures which is not only effective but also minimizes the chances of having a lot of quacks in the profession. However, there is also outcome-focused practice and client directed practice. The study of the same shows that it is largely used in psychology as it is used in other relevant areas. Although it is highly successful for it improves the outcome of very sensitive issues, it is at the same time not the best. This is because at times it disregards the use of the already researched methods and knowledge which is a draw back, for it prevents change and development in the field of psychology. Moreover, patient’s interpretation of a certain situation may change in the course of the intervention which may complicate the whole procedure or interfere with it altogether (Wilson, Taylor, 2005). Although more emphasis has been laid on the evidence-based practice, outcome and client directed practice cannot and should not be done away with altogether. They are all important, but the counselor should be empowered and be in a position to make the right decision while dealing with the client. Moreover, incorporating evidence based practice should not be rushed because change may actually take some time, especially when a whole system is concerned. Nonetheless, evidence-based and outcome-focused practices are all modes of practice in the field of psychology and contribute differently towards the same. References Abraham, C. Michie, S. , (2004). Health Psychology in Practice. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. American Psychological Association, (2002). Criteria for evaluating treatment guidelines. Retrieved on 4th April 2010 from: http://www. apa. org/practice/guidelines/evaluating. American Psychological Association, (2005). Policy Statement on Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. Retrieved on 4th April 2010 from: http://www. apa. org/pi/families/resources/ebp-statement. pdf Wilson, S. G. Taylor, J. , (2005). Applying sport psychology: four perspectives. Champaign, Human Kinetics
Friday, September 20, 2019
Companies That Use Flexitime And The Benefits Experience Management Essay
Companies That Use Flexitime And The Benefits Experience Management Essay There are many challenges today within the workplace facing human resources management and how people are managed. The business climate has been turbulent such as the global recession, competition in pricing as well as laws concerning employment strengthening the case for new initiatives to be enforced. As a result, the human resources management team have provided a booklet on issues concerning the benefits and drawbacks of four key subject areas such as the graduate assessment centres, absenteeism through a punitive approach, performance related pay and flexitime as a flexible working option. This will also include facts and figures illustrating the importance of each topic as well as defining key areas in order for MW Associates to make a decision about how to deal with these HR issues when they establish their new leisure operation. What is Flexible Working? Flexible working can be and has been defined in variety of different ways. For example according to CIPD Factsheet (2010) flexible working is described as working arrangements between the employee and their employer in terms of working time and working patterns. Flexible working has also been defined as the ability a company can employ people when and where required in the interest of everyone Pettinger (2002, p5). Flexitime Flexitime working arrangement is an arrangement that allows employees to choose the start and finish times they wish to work, according to the given parameters. The working arrangement of flexitime being offered to employees began in the 1970s and was mostly common in the public sector according to IRS (2007). According the IRS survey of 2007 on flexitime and other working arrangements, organisations where men make up 60% of the workforce are much more likely to offer their employees flexitime arrangements to those with either with other genders. It is suggested that in order for a flexitime arrangement to work it will rely on the goodwill and trust, as well as good monitoring and good management (XpertHR professional, 2005). Companies that use flexitime and the Benefits experience BT British Telecommunications (BT) is one of UK most known and recognised brand, and is also known for providing product and services in over 170countries worldwide (BT, 2010). BT is also one of the UK leading companies in providing employees the options of flexible working arrangements such as flexitime. A report by the Family Friendly Working Hour Taskforce of 2009 found out that BT retention of their employees improved with the percentage(over the last five years)of its UK female employees returning to work after taking maternity leave reached 90.99%, saving the company  £5million a year in recruitments and inductions (Family Friendly Working Hour Taskforce, 2009). City Sightseeing Glasgow City Sightseeing Glasgow is another company that found the benefits of providing their workforce flexitime as a form of working arrangement, twice a year in the summer and winter season. The imitative was originally for older employee who wanted to reduce or change their working pattern, however due to the success of the initiative the company expand it to the entire workforce. The company saw absenteeism levels drop, retention rate increase to 90-95% and expand their recruitment market among students and women want to return to work (Family Friendly Working Hour Taskforce, 2009). LillyUK A Human Resource Management International Digest article (2005) highlighted that LillyUK one of the worlds largest research-based pharmaceutical companies, has been making flexible working arrangements available to their employee since 1996. The article reports that one of the working arrangements that Lilly offers to their employees is flexitime, and since the introduction of the arrangement the company had noticed they were able to attract more high-caliber recruits by 30%. Other forms of Flexible Working Arrangements The graph below illustrates the finding of IRS survey (2010) of the forms of flexible working arrangements, and their popularity with organisations. The Graph above shows the forms of flexible working arrangement that companies offered in 2009 and as shown part time working was the preferred method of arrangement with 93%, and with flexitime with 54%. Pros and Cons of Flexible working Arrangements CONS PRO Social factors are sources of disadvantage, working suffering from isolation and not feeling part of an organisation. Foot (2005.p183). Workers on flexible contracts tend to be more emotionally engaged, more satisfied with their work, more likely to speak positively about their organisation and less likely to quit. (CIPD,2010) A flexible workforce is harder to manage and impose higher administrative costs in areas such as recruitment. Hendry(1995.p401) Provides a pool of staff that can be called upon to work at short notice. (IRS, 2009) The company may have difficulty of maintaining staff development and upgrading skills. (Businesslink, 2010) Enables employees to achieve a better work-life balance. (CIPD,2010) The Potential Drawbacks and Challenges presented should MW Associates choose to implement Flexible Working Arrangement In order for MW Associates to implement flexible working arrangement such as flexitime within their organisation they would have to overcome the challenges that would be presented to them, this could come in the form of line managers being reluctant to accept flexible working arrangement. Flexible working arrangements may have affect communications between line managers and employees, so it would important for MW Associates ensure that they establish a clear process for how flexible working works in the organisation. CIPD, 2010 Performance Related Pay- The Benefits and Challenges According to Foot and Hook (2008) performance related pay is a term that is closely linked with relationship between an individuals pay progressions to his or her level of competence. It seeks to be a tool for motivation. This pay scheme is now popular in many organisations since being introduced in the 1980s, according to MW Gilman (1998) the average proportion of employees covered by an organisations IPRP scheme to be in the range of 70%- 80%, suggesting that this is the most beneficial way to get people to work to their best. Though, the CIPD recent reward management report (2009) again records the popularity of individual based bonuses and incentive plans at 61% as the highest way to reward its employees. Companies/ Sectors that use PRP and the Benefits experienced Chelsea Football Club- Supervisors are encouraged to reward staff who work exceptionally well and go the extra mile each game with a star, this is an extra  £15.00 on top of the basic pay. This is very beneficial for the company as some employees will perform better than others in order to get the extra reward, therefore the company will get the best output possible out of their employees. Staffs do what is asked of them when asked to do so. People are only working hard because they know there is a possibility of a reward, not because they want to or is required as part of the job. The Pros The Cons The reward will motivate some staff to work harder. Supervisors can be bias without realising and the reward to friends or the same people. If the same people are getting the reward consistently, the organisation will recognise this and it will give them an idea of who to promote. Although you get an extra  £15.00, for those who get taxed it doesnt make much of a difference as it is taken in tax. (Primary Research, Samantha Koranteng, 2010) NHS Consultants- Clinical Excellence Awards The ACCEA (Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards) give Clinical Excellence Awards to recognise and reward the exceptional contribution of NHS Consultants who work over and above that normally expected in the job to the values and goals of the NHS and to patients care. The Cons The Pros The committee offers 3 bands, Bronze, Silver and Gold this is good because it makes it more accessible and highlights a good range that consultants can reach, in effect it makes it fairer. The fact that you have to apply for it suggests that its not an automatic recognition, the long process and stages may deter qualified candidates from applying. Consultants can apply for the scheme on their own behalf so the scheme can have a large volume of applicants. (Department of Health, 2010) Local Education Authorities-Teachers In teaching there are pay scales that are dependent on performance, provided performance is satisfactory the teachers pay will go up a grade, once on the highest grade through recommendation they can move up to a higher grade. Teachers may become too target orientated and forget that there job is to educate. This can identify teachers that are unsatisfactory and training can be provided to make them to the standard The Pros The Cons (Christine Blower, acting NUT general secretary. May 2008) The Potential Drawbacks and Challenges presented should MW Associates choose to implement such HR Approaches MW Associates should pose a policy whereby employees know they have security of their earnings and a contract that states there is a minimum level or fall back rate, this will not be difficult to do however MW Associates need to highlight how much employees will gain after they have exceeded the standard or basic level of work asked for. The organisation also needs to clearly devise a method of analysis that can fairly and ethically distinguish between the better performances of one employee to another. Alternatively they could introduce a bonus scheme where the incentives are non monetary, they could offer days off work, paid holidays or organised staff social gatherings. Managing absence through a `punitive approach` is this effective and what are the alternatives? Absence can be seen as a problem to many organisations with short term absence being largely unprepared compared to long term absence. Although, many organisations use appraisals with regards to performance management in helping employees develop and learn more about the business in order to prevent absenteeism. According to NSW Nurses Association (2010), absenteeism can be defined as when an employee is constantly or continuously failing to attend work as scheduled, in particular, when their absence forms a pattern which suggests that the employee is dissatisfied with their work or that their absence could have been avoided. Absenteeism can be also considered grounds for dismissal according to Redgoldfish, (2010). It is important to manage absence because of the loss of money concerning indirect costs such as the replacement of staff, loss of labour and production as well as costs to the business regarding its reputation. These are just some of the factors in why management of absen ce is important. Forms of Short -Term Long term Absence Short- term Absence Long term Absence According to (Travel Trade Recruitment, 2009) being more and more persistent time off work According to (Visual Human Resources 2009) definition long term sickness absence here is any absence lasting more than ten consecutive days. Unauthorised absence for any reason Consultation with the employee Lateness An assessment of alternative employment being offered (e.g. reduction hrs, home based Sickness / injury Medical investigation into sickness Facts Figures / Costs of absence Short term absence is harder to manage because it is largely unplanned. There are many factors involved concerning absence this can be seen as health problems such as smoking, heart disease or a good night out unable to get up to attend work the next day. Factors such as stress or the responsibility of bringing up children as well transportation far away from your place of work can be seen as absence related. The psychological contract (Guest, 2002) is related to absence for example, this can be seen as a psychological contract which may be imprinted inside the employees or employers head rather than an actual contract. For example, the employee could punish the employer by not attending work because they are unhappy with the organisation. In any case managing absence is an important factor now as sickness absence costs UK employers 11.6 billion a year according to People Management (2010). Many organisations lose much capital having to replace staff, loss of labour and production, poor customer service, as well low morale and bad reputation. However, (CIPD, 2009) review short-term absence shows that many companies are implementing return-to-work interviews (83% of organisations), followed by trigger systems to review attendance (74%), and the provision of sickness absence information to line managers (73%) and the use of disciplinary procedures (73%). Another key way to manage absence is through accurate measurement and monitoring so that the organisations can make an assessment to tackle any problems they may have. However, the Bradford factor is like a calculator and has helped reduce absenteeism by 20% such as creating triggers whereby action is taken. The average number of days absent per employee, per year is 6.5 days with average cost of absence each employee per year is  £754.00 (Bradford factor, 2010). Punitive approach The punitive approach in dealing with absence is about teaching employees discipline. This can be seen as lateness, authorized absence and behaviour. It is like having a parent to nurture the employee and to learn respect, compassion as well as taking responsibility. This can be seen as the harsh approach such as reduced pay through absence by using discipline. Other factors such as performance feedback can be used, corrective actions and effective communication. PROS CONS Clear about what is expected Few opportunities for progression Can identify when someone needs help Ineffective management Support employees make the work interesting Monotonous jobs The Council / Local Boroughs Policies are more generous with regards to absence compared to the private sector. Although most absence is short term there is criticism for the high level of sick leave from council staff. The procedure of conducting back to work interviews has now been implemented across the board (Nutt, 2009). DVLA This can be seen again in the public sector with many taking duvet days those feeling hung over or unable to face a days work. However, a punitive approach is taken concerning the official term for this form of leave, then deducted from the employees holiday entitlement (Watts, 2007). Tesco As a private organisation as big as this seen as one of Britains biggest retailer they have introduced no pay for the first three days off sick, not to penalise people being ill but to discourage those taking the odd day (Ryle, 2004). The Potential Drawbacks and Challenges presented should MW Associates choose to implement In order to manage absence it can be suggested that MW associates implement the encouragement of team work which will lead to more commitment within the working environment working as a team. To make the tasks more interesting as well as training and good management control procedures with the odd reward for attendance. What is a Graduate Assessment Centres? According to Colman (2010) Assessment Centers is defined as a variety of testing techniques designed to allow candidates to demonstrate, under standardized conditions, the skills and abilities that are most essential for success in a given job(Coleman, 2010, p.3). The assessment centre approach involves using a battery or range of selection tolls that simulate the relevant attributes, skills and competencies required in the job. (Peter et al, 2004, p.95). Type of Activities used in Assessment centres There are many types of activities are being used in assessment centres depending on the company. But the core ones which are generally used include; In-basket exercises, leaderless group discussion, role-playing, behavioural interview. (George Scott, 2010, p.204). The IRS survey (2009/10) identified assessment centre is the most effective selection method. In the year 2010 almost 75% of graduate recruiters rate assessment centres as their single most effective selection method. The use of assessment centre rises from 52.7% to 95.2%. (IRS survey,2010) How effective are your organizations assessment centres in identifying the best candidate(s) for a position? Very effective 47 Fairly effective 48 Fairly ineffective 4 Very ineffective (source: IRS survey) Reliability Validity The key issues in an assessment centre are the reliability and validity as similar test are administered to the same person on two separate occasions the results could be very similar unless something has changed the individual. The reliability of assessment centre is much greater than single interview. (Peter et al, 2004, p.95). Validity that shows the extent to which the test is providing useful information related to the job. There are five types of validity; face validity predictive validity, concurrent validity, construct validity, content validity. (Peter et al, 2004, p.95).The table bellow suggests that assessment centres are the most effective method of selection, predicting effectively how a candidate is likely to perform in a job approaching 70 per cent of the time.( Derek et al, 2009. P.94) The table of selection method and predictive validity Selection Method Predictive Validity Usage (%)* Assessment centre 0.68 47 Structured interviews 0.62 88 Work samples 0.55 80 Ability test 0.54 72 Personality questionnaires 0.38 56 Unstructured interviews 0.31 92
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his charac
Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? 1) Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? How does Lawrence use setting and place in 'Tickets Please'? How do these two writers manage to convey a sense of the time at which these stories are written? The first extract I have chosen to analyse in Tess of the D'Urbervilles when Tess is happy is In the Rally XVI on page 132-134. This melts in to the happy mood of Tess as she has set out from home for the second time to the Talbothays dairy, where she meets Angel. In employing the Nature motif into Hardy's work, he has been able to use it to describe the character feelings. The second extract in which nature echo's Tess's not so happy mood is 'The Maiden No More' XVI, pages 109-110. Hardy has used the language in the Rally XVI extract to show what state of mind Tess is in. Firstly he uses adverbs that help to set the mood, and give the landscape a more vivid description. Examples of some of the adverbs Hardy uses are, 'luxuriantly', 'intensely', 'wonderfully', 'profusely', 'continually'. These words are all associated with happiness and cheeriness and do not give the text a sense of gloom, and are generally enthusiastic words. Tess also describes the landscape as being, 'more cheering' in the Rally, and th... ...ters have used the settings to set their characters moods. Hardy has distinctly done this making it quite obvious for a reader to pick out grammatical and philosophical elements. Lawrence has used the setting to determine what will happen to the characters and what sort of climax or twist that he wants to build into the story. This is evident in the beginning of Tickets Please when a gloomy atmosphere is set, making one of the protagonist's Annie, feeling dull and not aroused. Then Lawrence uses the exciting funfair to set the mood of love and passion, and then finally the climax of the fight, fortified by description of the room. In conclusion both writers have similar ways of expressing the scenery through usage of grammatical tools, but different ways of displaying this, and have variations in their style of writing and the intensity of the language. Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his charac Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? 1) Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? How does Lawrence use setting and place in 'Tickets Please'? How do these two writers manage to convey a sense of the time at which these stories are written? The first extract I have chosen to analyse in Tess of the D'Urbervilles when Tess is happy is In the Rally XVI on page 132-134. This melts in to the happy mood of Tess as she has set out from home for the second time to the Talbothays dairy, where she meets Angel. In employing the Nature motif into Hardy's work, he has been able to use it to describe the character feelings. The second extract in which nature echo's Tess's not so happy mood is 'The Maiden No More' XVI, pages 109-110. Hardy has used the language in the Rally XVI extract to show what state of mind Tess is in. Firstly he uses adverbs that help to set the mood, and give the landscape a more vivid description. Examples of some of the adverbs Hardy uses are, 'luxuriantly', 'intensely', 'wonderfully', 'profusely', 'continually'. These words are all associated with happiness and cheeriness and do not give the text a sense of gloom, and are generally enthusiastic words. Tess also describes the landscape as being, 'more cheering' in the Rally, and th... ...ters have used the settings to set their characters moods. Hardy has distinctly done this making it quite obvious for a reader to pick out grammatical and philosophical elements. Lawrence has used the setting to determine what will happen to the characters and what sort of climax or twist that he wants to build into the story. This is evident in the beginning of Tickets Please when a gloomy atmosphere is set, making one of the protagonist's Annie, feeling dull and not aroused. Then Lawrence uses the exciting funfair to set the mood of love and passion, and then finally the climax of the fight, fortified by description of the room. In conclusion both writers have similar ways of expressing the scenery through usage of grammatical tools, but different ways of displaying this, and have variations in their style of writing and the intensity of the language.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Cutting Down the Brazilian Rainforest Is Wrong :: essays research papers fc
Cutting down the Brazilian rainforest is not a morally just thing to do. Not only does leave the soil sterile and cut the land used for crops’ life in half, but it also eliminates the opportunity for new medicines to be found, new plants to use for treatment in the medical field, and petroleum substitutes to be collected and used, just to name a few. In addition, the presence of the rainforest helps protect us from global warming and keeps some of the rarest and beneficial animals and their homes alive. However, many people feel that the cities in Brazil are very crowded and the opening of the Amazon basin for people to live will be beneficial to the overcrowding problem. Also, by cutting down the rainforest, Brazil makes good money selling the lumber to Japan. With the construction of new roadways that lead to the Amazon Rainforest, the government was able to make money while relocating many of its inhabitants. The problem that arises from Brazil's rainforest dilemma is that the various benefits and harms of the development of forest are incommensurable and not easily weighed. They involve the weighing of differences between global and local goods - the benefits of selling lumber and creating ranches for local populations versus the possible global benefits of a potential cure for cancer or a contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Cutting Down the Rainforest Rids the Land of All Nutrients and Makes it Infertile The rainforest was cut down by the original pioneers and primarily the ranchers' workforces, and then burnt during the dry season. The ash from the forest was then used to fertilize the crops or fodder they developed. The constraints of the rainforest's soil are pivotal to the much concern that arose from this technique of clearing, burning, and then planting. This technique could render worthwhile crops, but only for a short time - from between 2-3 years to 10-12 years. After this, however, the landowners are compelled to move elsewhere to carry on with their technique. This is due to the fact that the rainforest contains no topsoil, and farming and cultivation is not able to be prolonged or sustainable. The soil in the rainforest is remarkable for its lack of nutrients. Therefore, the forests are deemed to be one of the most delicate biomes in the world. The soil in the rainforest is so
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Argentinean Defeat in Falklands War
â€Å"Poor leadership and inferior technology†– Would these factors explain the Argentinean defeat in the Falklands War of 1982? The Falklands War lasted 74 days and ended with Argentine surrender on 14 June, which returned the islands to British control. The Argentinean troops were superior in number, but despite this, the British forces were able to take over the Falkland Islands. Poor leadership and inferior technology have been suggested to be two of the reasons behind the Argentinean defeat, and in this essay I aim to discuss these aspects, and determine if they can explain the Argentinean defeat in the Falklands War of 1982.Firstly, I aim to discuss aspects in favor of the argument, beginning with the British superiority, respective Argentinean inferiority, regarding weapons and material. After the British ships had been sent to the Falkland Islands, they circulated around the Islands and were ordered to attack any Argentinean ship entering a specific area severa l miles outside the Islands. Argentinean ships approached both north and south, but a British submarine followed and was therefore able to track the Argentinean ship coming from south.The Argentinean ships were superior in number, although, the British ships were superior in technology, and combined with a little luck, it was possible for them to sink several ships, including Argentina’s most powerful warship General Belgrano. This marked the end of the naval war in the Falklands as the Argentinean ships withdrew. Argentina suffered from a severe economic crisis as a result of the â€Å"dirty war†when the ruling military Junta killed about 30 000 of anyone that could be regarded as opposition, mostly people with a left side ideology.They crippled from foreign debt, which meant that they couldn’t spend a great amount of money on new high technological weapons, as oppose to England who received practical support from the US. Although, Argentina seemed to have a l arge advantage in air power at the beginning of the conflict, but was never able to use its large numbers of fighter-bombers to establish control of the air space over the Falklands. Instead, twenty British Sea Harriers flying round the clock effectively knocked the Argentine Air Force out of the sky in the first two weeks of the shooting war.Each Argentine aircraft on the other hand, had to line up over the combat zone, quickly dump its bombs and missiles, perhaps turn around once for a strafing run, and then head back to home base, or run the risk of running out of fuel. This left the Argentine craft at an enormous disadvantage in pursuing the British Sea Harriers, in picking better targets, in avoiding missiles. As a result, the Argentines lost a large percentage of its trained fighter pilots, which is much more difficult to replace than the aircrafts themselves.Furthermore, as the war developed, the poor leadership and lack of experience seemed to be a decisive factor of Argenti nean surrender. Brigadier General Menendez played an active role in controlling the Argentinean forces. Although, his strategy, his placement of troops, his supply lines, his responses to British actions; all demonstrated woeful military incompetence, which president Galtieri recognized during a visit to the islands, but refused to replace him, on the grounds that his removal might demoralize the soldiery and the Argentine populace, where the atmosphere already was unsteady due to the disliked ruling Junta.Argentine troops at Goose Green were reinforced by Menendez, but provided with no further support when they most needed it. Once Goose Green fell, Menendez seemed to pursue a persistent policy of retreat, falling back from entrenched positions at the least sign of pressure from the advancing British. As a result, he soon found himself besieged at Puerto Argentino / Port Stanley, encircled by land and cut off by sea, with no air support whatsoever. At the end, his soldiers broke an d ran before the final British attack.Furthermore, a number of the intermediate officers abandoned their units under British military pressure, leaving them in charge of their sergeants or corporals. The vast gap between the privileged officer class and the poorly trained conscripts that comprised much of the Argentine army resulted in a demoralization of the forces in the field, and a tendency for them to crumble before the attacks of the British. As oppose to Britain who possessed a well-functioning leadership, the poor one of the Argentinean can be regarded as a decisive factor in their defeat.The aspects speaking against the argument will now be discussed. The British Royal Navy dominated the Argentinean navy from the start of the conflict, although British ships were vulnerable to attacks from the air. When the British ships approached the capital Stanley, The Argentine Air Force demonstrated immense bravery and tenacity in attacking the British fleet. Without room to manoeuver , the British ships were easy targets. A high number of dud bombs were dropped over the water, where 8 ships were damaged, 2 sank, 24 died and several was injured during a short mount of combat time. Because of the mountains at the Falkland Islands, the British couldn’t detect the Argentinean planes that emerged, which speaks against the argument; that the technology wasn’t merely superior. It also shows the successful Argentinean strategy. Also, the superior technology of the British didn’t always work at their advantage. At the sea, the British sent a message to Glasgow but never saw the Argentinean ships emerge before it was too late, because their radio blocked the radar. 0 British were killed, and this aspect speaks against the argument that superior technology automatically must be the better choice. When analyzing this argument, other aspects must be taken into consideration. During the naval warfare, the British were inferior in numbers and the decision to attack the Argentinean ships coming from both north and south was risky; if they lost any ships including the aircraft carriers, the outcome of the war might have been different.On the other hand, the fact that the Argentinean forces were superior in number could also be used as an argument that shows that the British possessed better leadership and technology because they were able to win the war. The success of the British leadership and the failure of the Argentinean were often obvious as the decisive factor. For example: when the British had arrived to Stanley, they decided to attack during the night and caught the sleeping Argentineans by surprise.To sum this up, poor leadership and inferior technology can explain the Argentinean defeat in the Falklands War. Why was Argentine defeated? -Unclear aims and lack of strategy- what to do after they have taken over the Islands? -Great Britain acted decisive and fast -Argentina lost support of the US and regional powers -Tactical mi stakes -Lack of sophisticated spare parts -Insufficient training and equipment of Argentinean soldiers
Monday, September 16, 2019
Coffee Culture Essay
Coffee has been around for a very long time. It is no coincidence that such an influential and integral drink has created a cultural realm of its own. According to â€Å"Hot and Bothered: Coffee and Caffeine Humor†by Elise Decamp with Catherine M. Tucker, coffee humor has been depicted to be one of the compliments that has culturally elevated coffee-drinking to a another human aspect – humor. Humor can be interpreted and expressed in more ways than one. There are no set rules of what constitutes humor in any society; therefore, humor comes in many shapes and sizes. So, how is increasing coffee humor relayed to â€Å"caffeine culture? †Each culture and point in time is different, but coffee has always had a strong correlation to a â€Å"caffeine culture†that stemmed from the physiological and mental attributes that coffee, or caffeine, imposes on its consumer. Because of its notorious effects coffee has on its consumers, drinking coffee has been portrayed as an energizing, riveting, and delectable image. The article also makes references to cartoons and sketches about consuming coffee in the mid-1900’s and how it depicted the consumption of coffee and its effects. This is perhaps because during that span, societies were emerging as more work-oriented lives that led to the more practical use of coffee, or caffeine. Coffee humor emerged as a way of interpreting coffee consumption and its effects by portraying the consumers as very alert, alive, and even somber. The articles also notes that research on caffeine consumption not only may make a person more energized and alert, but also relaxed and at ease. This eventually led to the relationship coffee had with its consumers by allowing avid coffee drinkers to demonstrate their affinity and devotion by either wearing it as a shirt, bumper sticker, or on a description via social media. Eventually, coffee humor has contributed to the image many coffee drinkers hold and has been an essential method of showing the world the many faces of drinking coffee. Drinking coffee, however, has not always been portrayed as a positive influence. Through coffee humor, modern preoccupations about coffee or other aspects of modern life have been revealed to be a concern for the consumption of coffee. The article explains the use of caffeine as drug, known as dopamine, which is responsible for the effects it has on its consumers. Those effects being alertness sleep depravity, high-energy, and an increase in blood pressure. Caffeine not only causes these effects to take place during its intake, but like many other drugs, it leads to withdrawals that bring forth anxiousness, depression, muscle fatigue, insomnia, and headaches. These withdrawals, however, only last a couple days, unlike stronger drugs with longer lasting withdrawals. Consequently, coffee humor has taken an interpretation of the effects of coffee consumption by portraying what would happen if someone was to go without drinking coffee and their lives would be different. What may seem like an innocent joke at first, could actually be analyzed as a portrayal of a social issue of the potential dangers and misinformed lifestyles many choose to be a part of.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Give Examples of Needs Wants and Demands That Build-a-Bear Custom
1. Needs ,Wants and Demands That Build-A –Bear customers demonstrate. Needs it is when every customer of Build-A-Bear needs a stuff toy when they purchase from the store. It is the basic product that Build-A-Bear must produce. Wants those are the options of the customer to customize the stuff toy or the product like the dress me filled accessories galore, name me where a birth certificate is created with child selected-name and accessories using the high-tech available. Demands these are wants of the customers where they request to Build-A-Bear. It is the option of Build-A-Bear to make to cater the demands of the customer.BUILD A BEAR’S ACTIONS : Customers’ needs for toys are satisfied through selling stuffed animals and bears. To fulfill customers’ wants to have a unique toy or bear, they have made an environment where which is a cartoon land or a fantasy where their desired toys can be manufactured by themselves. To meet the customers’ demand of a dding accessories to their self created toy, Build A Bear offers different accessories which raises the price of the toy. A customer will add only as much accessories as its buying power. 2. In detail, describe all of Build-A-Bear’s product. What is being exchanged in a Build-A-Bear transaction?FACETS OF BUILD A BEAR PRODUCT: The eight facets are shaped into eight workstation through which their toy is processed step by step with the help of workers. The facets are: a) CHOOSE ME: Where customers select an animal of his choice to be stuffed. b) STUFF ME: They blow in the stuffing as much as he/she wants. c) HEAR ME: Where the customer adds a voice box. d) STITCH ME: Where the child stitches the animal shut. e) FLUFF ME:Here blow drying spa treatment is done. f) DRESS ME: The animal is dressed here. g) NAME ME: At this point the birth certificate of the toy is made in the name of†¦ [continues] Give Examples of Needs Wants and Demands That Build-a-Bear Custom 1. Needs ,Wants and Demands That Build-A –Bear customers demonstrate. Needs it is when every customer of Build-A-Bear needs a stuff toy when they purchase from the store. It is the basic product that Build-A-Bear must produce. Wants those are the options of the customer to customize the stuff toy or the product like the dress me filled accessories galore, name me where a birth certificate is created with child selected-name and accessories using the high-tech available. Demands these are wants of the customers where they request to Build-A-Bear. It is the option of Build-A-Bear to make to cater the demands of the customer.BUILD A BEAR’S ACTIONS : Customers’ needs for toys are satisfied through selling stuffed animals and bears. To fulfill customers’ wants to have a unique toy or bear, they have made an environment where which is a cartoon land or a fantasy where their desired toys can be manufactured by themselves. To meet the customers’ demand of a dding accessories to their self created toy, Build A Bear offers different accessories which raises the price of the toy. A customer will add only as much accessories as its buying power. 2. In detail, describe all of Build-A-Bear’s product. What is being exchanged in a Build-A-Bear transaction?FACETS OF BUILD A BEAR PRODUCT: The eight facets are shaped into eight workstation through which their toy is processed step by step with the help of workers. The facets are: a) CHOOSE ME: Where customers select an animal of his choice to be stuffed. b) STUFF ME: They blow in the stuffing as much as he/she wants. c) HEAR ME: Where the customer adds a voice box. d) STITCH ME: Where the child stitches the animal shut. e) FLUFF ME:Here blow drying spa treatment is done. f) DRESS ME: The animal is dressed here. g) NAME ME: At this point the birth certificate of the toy is made in the name of†¦ [continues]
Saturday, September 14, 2019
In the Late 1990s a Growing Number of Economists
Q. In the late 1990s a growing number of economists argued that world policymakers were focusing too much on fighting inflation. The economists also argued that the technical level of potential output had risen. Show their argument using the AS/AD model. Ans. During the 1970s and the 1980s inflation had risen to relatively higher levels as compared to the earlier decades. The tightening of the monetary policy was one of the action that lead to the fall inflation rate after remaining high for two continuous decades. But economists in the past have argued that there has been too much stress on fighting inflation during 1990s. The prime reasons for this argument is the fact that both fiscal and monetary side, i. e. both the instruments which managed the demand side of the economy where used for curbing inflation at a time when there was a technical boom in the economy in the form of enhancing productivity. This lead to the potential output of the economy to increase and therefore had a favourable impact on efforts to curb inflation. This enhancement of productivity (which was primarily due to decline in prices of computers) during the 1990s especially the later half is the chief factor that lead to the shift of the aggregate supply curve of the economy as shown in the figure. The Aggregate supply curve shifts from AS0 to AS1. This shift is because of the technical progress during the concerned period. The technical progress caused the economy to produce a higher level of produce from the same amount of inputs because of productivity enhancement which caused the prices in the economy to cool off automatically. This is visible in the graph where the aggregate price in the economy falls from P0 to P1. Therefore, the argument made by the economist during this period of unneeded stress being given on fighting inflation is valid from the macroeconomic point by looking at the aggregate demand and supply curve. The shift of the aggregate supply due to technical progress backs up the argument stating the fall in economy real prices in aggregate sense due shift of the supply curve.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Three Factors Influencing Changing Fashion Trends Essay
Three Factors Influencing Changing Fashion Trends - Essay Example The essay "Three Factors Influencing Changing Fashion Trends" discovers the Changing Fashion Trends. There are factors that promote the changes in the society, which are responsible for the increase in the fashion obsolesces. Therefore, the paper will discuss three factors that contribute significantly to changes in the fashion treads. One of the factors influencing fashion industry and marketing is the global economic changes, which relates to the production, raw materials, technology, new systems of global manufacturing and growth in national economies. The demand in the industry is visibility, whereby the factors have a significant influence on marketing and strategic planning. In fact, this case caused the fashion marketing to be faced by different consumer tastes and preferences, economic levels of market structures, and business structures. Moreover, the changing lifestyles of the consumer increase the demand patterns, which are attributed to the development caused by the techn ological revolution and economic globalization. In this case, the modern consumers are influenced by the world fashion instead of the national fashion, whereby the volatile consumers are able to purchase patterns with a reliable response of the companies in order to cope with the dynamism in the business environment and remain competitive. The second factor relates to the influence caused by television and internet as the main channels of marketing in globalized world, whereby the channels assist the fashion industry.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Evidence-based Practice for the Prevention of Ventilator -Associated Essay
Evidence-based Practice for the Prevention of Ventilator -Associated Pneumonia using Ventilator Bundle in Long Term Care - Essay Example The overall goal of this paper is to describe how is to prevent ventilator associated-pneumonia using ventilator bundle in the long term care. The focus area is the ventilator unit of Four Seasons Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center that comprises 35 beds. The center has its location at Rockaway Parkway, Brooklyn, New York. This involves a premiere facility that offers unparalleled medical care to the residents. They offer a wide range of services, i.e. short-term rehabilitation, long-term care, adult day health care, and the post hospital treatment, in which case they provide for an original blend of professional and exceptionally skilled nursing care that they deliver with compassion and devotion. They serve the needs and lifestyles of the community. Project Objectives At the end of my practicum project, I will be able to: 1. Determine what practices are used by long term care to prevent ventilator –associated pneumonia (VAP) 2. Develop a learning module for nurses on ventilator bundle for the prevention of ventilator –associated pneumonia (VAP). 3. Review and update the existing ventilator bundle protocol for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in long term care. 4. Develop a sustainable prevention program for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in long term care.... The prevalence shows 22.8% for these kinds of clients. The danger to acquiring the actual pneumonia is found to go higher by10 fold in those who are under mechanical ventilation. Morbidity and mortality, hospital length of stay, and costs have all been attributed to VAP (Augustyn, 2007). The early onset VAP is in the first 3-4 days during mechanical ventilation while the late onset occurs for a period more than that. Early onset VAP is commonly caused by antibiotic-sensitive community acquired organisms like streptococcus pneumonia, haemophilus influenza, and styphylococcus aureus. Late onset of VAP is commonly caused by antibiotic resistant nosocomnial organisms like pseudomonas aeruginosa, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, acinebacter species, and enterobacter types. (Collard, et al.). This type of nonsocomial pneumonia, VAP, is a condition that requires a sensitive approach to the safety of critically ill clients. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) has designed some measures critical to handling these conditions. They are designed according to specific formats of best practices for those getting mechanical ventilation. These steps are considered feasible, safe, and cost effective for preventing VAP which include; 1.) Elevation of the head of the bed (HOB) to 30 to 45 degrees unless medically contraindicated. 2.) Continuous removal of subglottic secretions. 3.) Change of ventilator circuit no more often than every 48 hours 4.) Washing of hands before and after contact with each patient. 5.) Consistent oral care. 6.) DVT and stress prophylaxis (De los Reyes, et al. 2007). Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in a seriously ill patient considerably increases the risk of
Zinns Primary Points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Zinns Primary Points - Essay Example These people are faced by ethnic and religious conflict. Therefore, Zinn’s primary points on this include â€Å"there is no pennant great enough to face the indignity of killing blameless people.†He also observed that in the past, the most terrible things have come up not from insubordination but obedience. Zinn points out that you cannot have a war on violence while violence itself is a war (155). According to Zinn, dispute beyond the law is not an exit from democracy rather, it is enormously essential to it. It is also a notable point that simple actions, once multiplied by millions of citizens can change the whole world (158). He also observes that, and in such a humanity of disagreement, a world of fatalities and executioners, it is the work of rational people, to be against the executioners (355) My thought on these primary points is that Howard zinn had keenly observed and came into a conclusion that, in the modern world people are so much interested in what they can achieve on their own, as well as the struggle to go up the socio economic ladder. Evidently, people have done terrible things out of their own will and hurt so many individuals, all for selfish gains. This could only have avoided. Development of racism Racism exists when a single ethnic group dominates or seeks to exclude another because they have different believes that are hereditary and cannot be altered. Ideological grounds for unequivocal racism came to an exceptional fruition in the west throughout the modern time. However, there is no comprehensible evidence of racism in other cultures. Never the less, Zinn argues that the classification of the Jews with the evil spirit is a sign chauvinistic view of the human race (455). Different cultures are associated with different things and happenings that make the world view them differently. It was during the period of reformation and renaissance that the Europeans met the people from Africa and Asia and the Americans judged the m. Evidently, The Americans viewed Africans as dirty people, an argument that was based on their skin color. Moreover, Americans did not believe in being ruled by Africans because they had a low opinion towards them. The culmination of the history racism emerged in the twentieth century during the racist regime. Apparently, in South America the Africans were denied the right to vote which put them to a subordinate case class. Howard Zinn further observes that extreme racism misinformation is where by black men were seen as greedy monster lusting and running after white women for their money (473). Consequently, there were strict laws against any sexual relations among whites and the so-called black Africans. This evidently brought out the inequity that existed between blacks and the whites hence the whole idea of racism. I strongly agree with Zinn’s Explanation of the development of racism. This is because the idea of racism began as a simple discrimination and ended up creat ing a big gap between cultures. People concentrated on fighting each other. Were it not for this people could live like brothers, which was the initial intention of God. Consequently, the cause of racism is an important factor to be considered because most people are judged according to where they live, cars they drive, and how much they earn. Therefore, this may make people think that the black Africans are generally poor due to their large number in terms of population. On the other hand, racism makes people feel incapable hence do not give their all. In addition, young children who thrive in these areas do not get to relate with kids from other races, which limits them in terms of what they can learn from each other. Major themes raised by Zinn Zinn’
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